On January 23, 2022, Indonesian SDE Project of China Qinfa Group held its commencement ceremony. Under the great instructions and deep affections of all departments of China QinfaGroup, and through the sincere cooperation and unremitting efforts of domestic& foreign teams, SDE Project Phase I Works have been formally commenced,which symbolizes that Indonesian SDE Project has formally started its newjourney. The commencement ceremony was chaired by Mine Director Cai Lei,and all leaders and employees of the Mine attended the commencement ceremony,and the Group expressed its warm congratulations to the formal commencement construction of SDE Project and its eager expectations on the future development of the Project.
Photos of Mine Leadersand All Employees on the Commencement Site
On January 25, 2022, the main shaft, auxiliary shaft and air shaft of Indonesian SDE Project Qinfa Mine No. 1 successively entered the construction stage. On February 10,2022, the roadheader entered the air shaft and started the heading work.
Formal Commencement for Main Shaft ofIndonesian SDE Project Qinfa Mine No. 1
Formal Commencementfor Auxiliary Shaft of Indonesian SDE Project Qinfa Mine No. 1
Formal Commencementfor Air Shaft of Indonesian SDE Project Qinfa Mine No. 1
Indonesian SDE Project is a significant step for the overseas arrangement of China Qinfa Group, and of great strategic significance for "Go globally" of China Qinfa Group. The formal commencement of Indonesian SDE Project of China QinfaGroup, symbolizes that China Qinfa Group has started a key step to implementits overseas strategy.
As stressedby President Xi Jinping in his speech, a great dream will not come true through waiting or chanting slogans; it can only be fulfilled with hard work and perseverance. As a private enterprise in the new era, China Qinfa Group willlead all its employees to uphold the teamwork spirit, promotethe spirit of persistent hard work, and endeavor to build SDE Mine into the first-class underground mine in the world, fully utilize the advantages in theera, and realize its great dream of takeoff.